Study Abroad
International perspectives give you a distinct advantage in our globalized world.

Preparing to Study Abroad
Students can earn Honors credit for their study abroad experience — up to 3 units for minimester or summer, up to 6 units for a full term — by completing all study abroad requirements.
To begin learning about your study abroad options, contact the Study Abroad & Away Office, which is dedicated to providing TU students with high quality international academic opportunities.
Once you decide that you want to earn Experiential and Advanced Learning Honors credit through study abroad, complete the the term prior to your planned departure. Honors College credit is only granted for credit-bearing study abroad courses; students completing internships abroad must meet the requirements for Honors internship credit, available on our internship page.
Honors Study Abroad Scholarship
The Honors College offers a limited number of scholarships for Honors students going abroad each term. For the fall and spring terms, two scholarships in the amount of $300 each are generally awarded to students. For the summer and minimester terms, three awards in the amount of $200 each are generally awarded.
Honors College Study Abroad Scholarship deadlines have changed since the 2021–22 cycle. For scholarship consideration, students must submit the by November 1 for minimester and spring trips, and by April 1 for summer and fall trips.
Preference for Honors College Study Abroad Scholarships is given to students who have demonstrated their active participation and service in the Honors College, and who can clearly articulate the connection between the study abroad experience and their academic experience at TU. Honors College Study Abroad Scholarship amounts may change based on number of applicants for a given term.
Earning Honors Credit
Upon your return from abroad you must complete the following to earn Experiential and Advanced Learning credit:
- Earn grades of C or better in all courses enrolled in during the time abroad.
- Write a five-page reflection paper about the insights you gained from the experience of being abroad. The reflection should not simply be a recounting of what you did, but instead should focus on the meaning and significance of your time abroad including how your time abroad has and will inform your future academic and/or career development plans. The paper is due on October 1, for students who went abroad in the spring or summer, and March 1 for students who went abroad in the fall or minimester), and should be submitted electronically to honors AT_TOWSON.
- Submit three digital photographs with your five-page reflection paper to the Honors College at honors AT_TOWSON. Provide your name, student ID number, study abroad location, and term of study.
- Present a poster about your study abroad experience during the Celebration of Scholarship and Learning poster conference in the first full term following your return. The fall CSL is held during TU Family Weekend, typically in early October, and the spring CSL is typically held in early March. This is an . Students are encouraged to use campus resources for designing and printing your poster.
Honors credit cannot be granted until all of the above requirements have been met and your courses have been posted to your Towson University transcript. Honors credit for Study Abroad is not awarded as additional credit; rather, some of the credits granted by Towson University for your study abroad will be counted as Honors credit. Questions about earning credit for Study Abroad should be directed to the Honors Faculty Director, Dr. Michael Elliott, melliott AT_TOWSON or 410-704-4677.
Other Study Abroad Funding Options
Most federal aid, TU grants and scholarships, and private scholarships can be applied toward study abroad. Visit the Office of Financial Aid's webpage on Study Abroad & Away Aid for more information about using aid for study abroad.
Each year, Towson University awards scholarships to TU students for study abroad and many external organizations and program providers also offer funding for students. A complete list of Scholarships & Financial Aid for Study Abroad & Away is maintained by the International Initiatives Office.