Computer Renewal for Classroom & Computer Labs

OTS works with each college and department to plan, purchase and deploy renewal computers based on the "decommissioning date" on file. A Student Technology Fee (STF) project request is not needed for this. For planning and budgeting purposes, departments must keep their computer census records accurate and up to date. Records are expected to be updated within 14 business days of any change.
A project request is needed for requests such as:
- expanding the number of computers in a lab
- creating a brand new lab or classroom
- adding or replacing printers
- requesting computers that are beyond the standard configuration
For instructions on how to submit a STF project request, visit the Student Technology Fee page.
Process for Routine Computer Renewals
- OTS will provide a list of eligible computers for renewal based on the decommissioning date—a date set by colleges and departments, generally four years from the purchase date, at which time the computer is projected to be replaced.
- College and department technology staff will work with OTS to finalize the computer ordering and replacement schedule.
- OTS will arrange for purchase and delivery.
- The college or department is responsible for accepting computers from Central Receiving and storing them in a secure location prior to setup.
The Computer Census
The census database is the authoritative source for computer assets in all classrooms and computer labs. It is used to budget and plan purchases to ensure computers are refreshed on a three-year cycle.
College, department lab managers and IT coordinators have access to view and update the computer data for the classrooms and computer labs that they manage. A CCLT Database User’s Guide (PDF) and explains how to update the census. For further questions or assistance, contact the CCLT coordinator for your college.
OTS is Here to Help
Contact your CCLT coordinator if help is needed to setup computers or update the census. We are able to help with:
- Creating standard image using OTS-provided base
- Unboxing and setting up computers
- Inventorying and updating census data