Group Counseling

Group Therapy

All groups are free and open to undergraduate and graduate students. The Counseling Center offers a wide selection of groups (see below for group listings). 

We also offer short-term workshop seminars (3-4 sessions) focused on building skills to manage anxiety, depression, and related concerns.

What is Group Counseling?

Group experiences provide opportunities to:

  • identify with others who share similar concerns
  • increase self-awareness and self-acceptance
  • improve the quality of your life, work, and personal relationships 

How do I sign up for a group?

  • Some groups you can immediately register for by calling the Counseling Center at 410-704-2512. Other groups require meeting with an individual therapist first. Let our administrative staff know which group you want to join, and they will get you registered or schedule you for an initial appointment.
  • If you already have a scheduled appointment, talk with your counselor about your group of interest.
  • Group start dates listed are subject to change.

For more information about our groups, please email Dr. Kate DiMattia, , the Coordinator of Group Services.

Common Concerns About Group Counseling

Most students feel this way before beginning group therapy! It can sound intimidating to talk about personal issues in front of other people. Group facilitators are trained to help create a safe and supportive environment designed to create a comfortable space for students to give and receive care. Most students find that it gets much easier to share after one or two sessions!

It is okay to feel this way! Anxiety is a deeply powerful emotion that can urge us to avoid situations that could be helpful for the sake of keeping out difficult feelings. However, one of the best ways to help social anxiety improve is to intentionally seek out social environments that are safe and designed to support your journey. Group therapy can be one such place to challenge your social anxiety head-on.

Part of what makes group therapy so powerful is that your concerns are often similar to what other students are struggling with. Although we encourage you to engage and advocate for yourself, students often find they can benefit by hearing how others are struggling with the same concerns.

Not at all! Although you will get the most benefit from group by sharing vulnerably, you are only expected to share as much you feel safe and comfortable to do so. It can be helpful to start by sharing small reactions or by expressing care to others.

Studies show that group therapy is as effective as individual therapy, and in some cases can be more effective.

Currently Offered Psychotherapy Groups

This group provides long-term treatment for students to come together and learn how to overcome common challenges of student life, including homesickness, making friends, anxiety & depression, and conflict. These groups give students a space to learn about themselves and test out new ways of interacting with others.

Wednesdays (BIPOC), 2:00-3:30pm Dr. Andrea Obah
Thursdays, 1:00-2:30pm Olivia Rosner & Molly Murphy
Fridays, 2:00-3:30pm Sara Rosenquist & Amara- Niani Jackson

Join us as we embark on a quest for adventure & riches while also delving into the realm of insight, exploring personal growth, and creating community through Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying.

Thursdays, 2:00-4:00pm Dr. Kate Dimattia, Dr. Chris Truong & Sara Rosenquist

Currently Offered ATOD Groups

This weekly drop-in group helps students looking to take a tolerance break from marijuana; a place to support each other with the guidance of a substance use counselor.

Mondays, 11:00am-12:00pm Zachary Hitchens

This weekly drop-in group provides a supportive space for students seeking to change their relationship with alcohol.

Fridays, 11:00am-12:00pm Zachary Hitchens

Currently Offered Support Groups

Whether out or not, questioning or unsure, this group is for LGBTQIA+ students of all backgrounds to discuss and explore aspects of sexual orientation and gender identity in a safe space.

Fridays, 1:00-2:00pm Dr. Mike Zebrowski & Olivia Rosner

This group helps international and immigrant students gain support, make new friends and learn new strategies to make the most of their experiences!

Wednesdays, 3:30-4:20pm, Multipurpose Room Residence tower Dr. Michelle Kirton

This weekly support group is for students who identify as women of color to discuss issues relevant to them and seek support from other women by cultivating a spirit of sisterhood and community.

Mondays, 4:00-5:00pm Dr. Andrea Obah & Amara-Niani Jackson

This group is for Two Spirit, Trans, and Non-binary students of all backgrounds to discuss and explore gender identity and gender expression 

Fridays, 3:30-4:30pm Dr. Mike Zebrowski & Dr. Chris Truong

Currently Offered Workshops

This group teaches strategies for how students can treat themselves better and discover the zest to make the most of life and its opportunities!

Fridays, 1:00-2:00pm Dr. Michelle Kirton

This drop-in workshop offers three sessions that support students in learning about trauma-related symptoms they may be experiencing. Students will also be provided education on how to begin managing these symptoms independently as well as how to seek additional support when needed.

Wednesdays, 1:00-2:00pm Dr. Chrissy Walsh

This drop-in group provides a communal space for students struggling with executive function and attention related issues such as time management, procrastination, study skills, and motivation, to build community and learn tips and tricks.

Tuesdays, 11:00am-12:00pm Dr. Amber Walser, Dr. Chris Truong, & Molly Murphy

TUCC also offers several workshops facilitated by our peer educators. For more information, about please see our Peer Education Workshops