Business Law Minor
Want a greater understanding of the impact that law and ethics have on business? The business law minor provides students with an understanding of the complex legal issues that affect businesses and their environments.

Courses in cyber law, employment law, real estate law, and law for entrepreneurs will provide students with the knowledge they need to identify and manage legal and ethical issues in business. While the business law minor may be of great interest to students majoring in business, government and political science, it can be a valuable supplement to any major course of study. The business law minor is available to students who have a major other than business administration with a concentration in legal studies.
Why Study Business Law?
The intersection of law and business provides for a rich area of study and discussion. The business law minor affords students an opportunity to explore and apply legal concepts to business while developing critical thinking, research, and writing skills. These skill sets are valuable in any business setting in addition to helping prepare students for graduate studies including law school and business school.
Minor Requirements
All for the business law minor are listed in the Undergraduate Catalog. These requirements must be completed with a grade equivalent of 2.00 or higher. Students electing the business law minor are not formally admitted to nor graduate from the College of Business and Economics.