Business Admin Major: International Business

With a growing global economy, it is important to understand different cultures and how business is conducted abroad. While international business topics are incorporated in the business administration major, students may choose to focus on it with the international business concentration. This concentration provides students with a more global view of business while also allowing them to study and understand other cultures and languages.
Admission Requirements
Business administration is a screened major. Students are admitted to the business administration major (BUAD) only after successfully completing a set of required courses with a C or higher in each of those courses and an overall TU GPA of 2.0 or higher. See all admission requirements.
Degree Requirements and Course Descriptions
View for the business administration major with the international business concentration in the Undergraduate Catalog.
Plan of Study
See the suggested for the current catalog year. If your catalog year is different, you can find an advising form that corresponds with your catalog year on the advising forms page.