
Stay Engaged with Osher through involvement as a volunteer. Osher is successful because of those members who commit their time and energy by serving on committees and helping at events.

Stay Engaged

Volunteer your time

Stay engaged with Osher through involvement as a volunteer. Osher is successful because of those members who commit their time and energy by serving on committees and helping at events. Email Jessica Tye, .

Osher Committees

The Planning and Development Committee meets to discuss and address issues that affect Osher鈥檚 future. In addition to regularly updating the Osher Handbook of Structure and Governance, this committee makes recommendations on long-range planning issues to the Board and the Director for consideration. This committee is headed by the Board鈥檚 Past Chair and is comprised of the current Board Chair, Chairs of standing committees, and the Osher Director.

The Curriculum Committee assists the Director with planning the overall curriculum by developing ideas for courses, lectures, and workshops; evaluating and making decisions on submitted course proposals; recommending appropriate instructors; and reviewing course evaluation results.

The Day Trips Committee plans and executes trips that provide enrichment and may complement the Osher curriculum. In conjunction with Osher staff, this committee arranges the details for each trip including working with vendors and marketing the trips to Osher members. This committee is a subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee.

The Classroom Facilitation and Safety Committee members assist instructors with classroom technology and distribution of handouts; communicate Osher announcements to the class; assist in the monitoring of attendance; receive safety training and implements safety procedures in the event of an emergency.

The Philanthropy Committee works to ensure the future financial security of the Osher Institute by developing a culture of charitable giving; increasing donor participation at Osher; and educating Osher members on the 6 funds that support the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Towson University.