Not sure which category to pick?
Don't worry! OTS staff will reroute your service request if necessary.
TechHelp is the Office of Technology Services’ (OTS) online system for requesting tech support, submitting IT project requests, asking questions or providing feedback on TU’s technology-related topics.
The TechHelp online ticketing system launched in 2012. The TechHelp Service Desk and Knowledge Base launched in 2022. Using campus feedback, the Office of Technology Services (OTS) continues to add services and modify resources.
TechHelp has a mobile-friendly and responsive design making it easy to use from any device. Follow ticket status, including steps taken to resolve the submitted issue, or service request history, by logging into TechHelp at any time. You can search the services without logging in but will need to use your TU NetID and password to submit or see a previously submitted ticket, or to open certain TU-specific articles.
Launch TechHelp at . From here you can: