Regina Twigg

Department of Nursing Assistant Chairperson and Clinical Associate Professor


Contact Info

Linthicum Hall, Room 323


D.N.P., University of Maryland School of Nursing
M.S., University of Maryland School of Nursing
B.S.N., University of Maryland School of Nursing
Certified Nurse Educator, NLN
CPR Instructor, AHA

Areas of Expertise

Medical Surgical Nursing


  • Mark, H.D., Twigg, R.D., Barber, L. & Warren, N. (2019). Entry-Level Master's Programs in Nursing: Review of Programmatic Features. Journal of Nursing Education 58(9), 525-529.   颅
  • Donovan Twigg, R. (2016).Chapter 53 - Coordinating Care for Patient with Musculoskeletal Disorders.  In Janice Hoffman & Nancy Sullivan (Eds).  Medical Surgical Textbook, Baltimore, MD.  FA Davis. 


  • Mark, H., Twigg, R., & Warren, N. (February 2019). Masters Entry into Nursing Programs: Where are they now? Where are we going? Poster presentation at AACN Masters Education Conference, Tampa, FL. 
  • Donovan Twigg, R., Mark, H., Nikstaitis, T., & Knox, L. (November 2018). Collaborative Partnership Program: A Bridge from Academia to Practice for Entry Level Nursing Students. Poster presentation at Maryland Nurses Association Conference, Baltimore, MD. 
  • Donovan Twigg, R. (July 12, 2018). End of Life. Presentation for University of Maryland Medical Center Student Nurse Residents, Baltimore, MD. 
  • Donovan Twigg, R. (May 21, 2018). Preceptor Workshop for the Nurse Residency Program . Presentation at University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, MD. 
  • Donovan Twigg, R. (May 18, 2018) Preceptor Workshop for the Student Nurse Residency Program. Presentation for CaPP at Towson University, Baltimore, MD. 
  • Donovan Twigg, R. (April 16, 2018). Preceptor Workshop for the Student Nurse Residency Program. Presentation at the University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, MD. 
  • Donovan Twigg, R. (April 11, 2018) Preceptor Workshop for the Nurse Residency Program. Presentation for CaPP at Towson University, Baltimore, MD.
  • Donovan Twigg, R., Lynn, M. C.(June 2016).  End of Life Care. Podium presentation at the University of Maryland Medical Center Student Nurse Residency Program, Baltimore, MD.